Dispatches from the Dark Side

We live in a time and place full of contrasts, variety, freedom, mobility, opportunity and distractions. There are times when my life is going in so many directions at once, it’s a chore just trying to grasp how – and even if - it all fits together and makes sense. One week I can be riding my bicycle to Moose Hill to wait for woodcocks on a chilly evening, and the next I can be sitting by the spa pool at a five-star resort. But I can’t relax because all the rich people around me can’t just turn off their cell phones and enjoy the moment. Last night, back at home, I was at a live concert and a young boy sitting in front of me was listening to his iPod. In
In the past, when going on vacation, I would take a stack of books and magazines, fantasizing about endless hours of quiet reading. With age comes at least a little wisdom and I now know that our trips are much too busy for that. Now, I try to bring one good book and immerse myself in it for the whole trip. Last year, it was Bill McKibben’s Deep Economy about how we need to start decentralizing everything and start building lives close to home based on the inter-connected web of community.
This year, I learned more about exactly why that is by reading James Howard Kunstler’s The Long Emergency. (Yes, that guy again.) His basic argument is that the oil is already running out and, at the rate we’re going, it will soon be gone. In the past century, everything we have built was - and everything we do is- based on the assumption that fossil fuel will be cheap and plentiful forever. There is no magical technology on the horizon that will save our sorry butts when the taps go dry. I have the bad misfortune of believing everything he says. Life would be so much more fun if I didn’t find myself constantly looking around me and imagining what life will be like with no electricity, no natural gas, no gasoline, no diesel fuel, no heating oil. Where will plastic come from without petroleum? Food prices are on the rise now, but what will a loaf of bread be worth when we’re trying to grow wheat on the golf courses, by hand, without farm machinery, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and fossil water pumped from deep underground? God, I’m depressed. I wonder what’s happening on Wisteria Lane?
I saw signs of the impending Long Emergency everywhere I looked that week in
It’s called cognitive dissonance, and I was exhibiting all the symptoms.There I was, jetting back and forth across the continent at something like 500 miles per hour, eating gluttonous quantities of imported gourmet food, swimming in heated pools, and enjoying a green manicured and watered landscape in the middle of a desert. We flipped on the air conditioning with barely a second thought and enjoyed the fountains and man-made waterfalls spraying water into the arid air. In the 10 days of our visit, our group went through literally thousands of bottles of spring water, all of it trucked in from elsewhere and none of the plastic bottles recycled. On one side of my brain I could clearly see how we are all headed to Hell in a hand basket, while on the other side I was having a wonderful time. It was great to be together with family and to have every creature comfort instantly available.
I was a guest on this fabulous vacation, so I didn’t want to seem ungrateful, but I felt as though I was on an anthropological expedition to a world where money and privilege isolate some people from the realities of diminishing resources while poor souls elsewhere struggle to survive. I looked around at the hundreds of other vacationers and wondered if any of them even considered the eventual consequences of such decadence and waste. I also reminded myself that my own lifestyle back home – which I like to consider modest - is unbelievably extravagant in the big picture of things. I thanked my lucky stars to be an American and to have lived most of my life in the golden age of oil.
I clearly recall driving around in the mid-1970's, not long after the 1973 Oil Crisis, and thinking I'd better enjoy my driving now because we won't be doing it much longer. I remember my organic chemistry professor explaining, in 1973, that losing gasoline was only a part of the problem and that many vital organic compounds are derived from petroleum. It has always been evident to me that fossil fuel supplies were finite and that we should use what we have wisely and conservatively. I never understood why we wouldn't want to save some for our grandchildren.
Now, I know where we live in New England, we also drive everywhere and we have to heat our homes in the wintertime, but there’s something about the Phoenix area that makes the modern American lifestyle seem so much more foolish. Maybe it’s because
Any drive or jog around
Labels: Kunstler, Scottsdale
Reading this is like hearing the conversation around our dinner table. We too are dismayed and disappointed by what our species has done to the planet, and more than that by what we citizens of the US have expected the entire world to provide us for our extravagances. It is hard not to wonder how it will all finally fall apart. I am always reminded of this poem by Gary Snyder, that I have held with me since I first read them over thirty years ago:
For the Children
The rising hills, the slopes,
of statistics
lie before us.
the steep climb
of everything, going up,
up, as we all
go down.
In the next century
or the one beyond that,
they say,
are valleys, pastures,
we can meet there in peace
if we make it.
To climb these coming crests
one word to you, to
you and your children:
stay together
learn the flowers
go light
i predict that the US will go for more and more nuclear powered electricity generation, also coal, as oil and natural gas become scarcer and more costly. not that either will help with the other stuff made from oil.
robin andrea, thank you so much for that wonderful poem! Do you know what book it is in? I just discovered Gary Snyder last year after reading about those OTHER Dharma Bums.
I agree roger, there will be much more coal and nucULar in our future along with the problems they will cause. At least it's possible to imagine using electricity to power cars.
I look forward to seeing how you two use these considerations in your search for a new home. Now, every time we think about moving or buying a new car, the impending loss of oil must be paramount in the decision-making.
About that dinner table...I have to be careful about talking too much about this stuff. People find it BORING.
The poem is in Snyder's Turtle Island.
Deep stuff.
I will have to think on this.
Have some fun and see:
Alaska's Haul Road - The Dalton Highway.
A 414 mile gravel road,
to the Arctic Ocean
Come join us for the trip,
Troy and Martha
Hi Mojo Man
Yes, cognitive dissonance is what I experience also. I loved for a while in Tempe (in 1980-1982), so your stories are so familiar to me.
Contact with people from developing nations has taught me how little we really need to survive.
I try to maintain my balance by cultivating mindfulness in my daily life. But I mostly feel out of balance, out of planet, out of wisdom. Have all times in human history been this discouraging?
I hope we see the day when alternative energy becomes part of our everyday lives.I try my best to avoid watching the news and just ry to focus on the moment.I haven't visited your blog for a while.I'll have to come back and read this post a second time.
Yes, a frightening prospect.
The Cold War Doomsday scenario of nuclear wastelands has turned into When The Oil Dries Up (apologies to E.M.Forster
We should all reduce our consumption of the planet's resources and learn to live simply, locally and consciously
Of course, I live in a country where something like 95% of electricity is produced from nuclear power and That,as they say, is a whole other kettle of fish!
PS What are those gated communities trying to keep out
Why, Reality of course
By this time, I shold know better, but I'm still always shocked by how little people know about how things work and about the environment. When someone who appears to be smart in many ways doesn't know what a Canada goose or a box turtle is, I despair that dealing intelligently with the more serious and complex issues are already a lost cause.
Carolyn H.
The reason I enjoy our summer home is that we are not dependent on modern conveniences. My husband and I feel we could exist there if we lost our permanent home. Living "off the grid" is a means of discovering how much material items are unimportant. One basic need at our cabin is a water well.
Of course I cannot comment legitimately about the residents' intentions of placing a gate around their home, but I can offer a guess.
It seems to me to be the natural succession of our attempt to advertise "stature."
When the larger homes started being built, having one was a clear indication of affluence--it stood apart from all others in the neighborhood.
Now, so many people own enormous homes, that a gate is necessary to elevate those to higher stature.
The gate always says to me, "I set myself apart from this community."
I was blog roll looking from Dharma Bums and came across one that sounded interesting-- yours. This topic is definitely interesting and the books you are mentioning.
For many years we have thought this way-- that a time of change is coming. It has happened before and likely will again but it's very hard on the generation in the middle of it. Because I have a part time home in Tucson, I know what you mean about life in the desert although I lived there off and on many years with swamp coolers which don't use as much power and do cool-- most of the year. There didn't used to be a/c like it is now. There didn't used to be so many of the wasteful uses of water but then the canal came along thanks to Jimmy Carter's administration and it changed everything-- not necessarily for the better. Someday that will all have to be faced as the Colorado River is suffering the impact of a many year drought and who knows if things will ever go back to where they were.
We also talk about how to live now in ways that are wise for the coming changes. Because my husband is involved in the solar energy business, I think it will provide more electricity than many expect. Cars will be fueled by different ways as they could have been all along except someone made a lot of money to keep it oil. Mass transit is already helping in many cities but it won't solve the problem of farmers like us who live out and produce beef and lamb (which some also feel is wrong but actually can be done in positive ways).
Anyway good blog and I am sure I will be back.
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